The Significance of the Sabbath (Shabbatt) 







1.     Introduction.

2.     Importance of the Sabbath to Israel

3.     Sabbaths 

4.     A time for Worship.

5.     Jesus and the Sabbath.

6.     Sabbath and the early Church.

7.     Sabbath in the Millenium  

8.     The Sabbath and Us.

9.     Enter into God's Rest

10.   At the feet of Jesus.

1.     Introduction.


Gen 1 - ch2 v 4


The Sabbath was a special day to the Lord right from creation.


2.    Importance of the Sabbath to Israel


Exodus 35 v 1 - 3


It was a special sign, like circumcsion separating God's people.


For generations it has played its part as a core part of Jewish worship, community and identity.


Not keeping the Sabbath was one of the key causes of Israel going into captivity:


            Jer 17 v 19-27

            2CHR 36 v 1 - 21


The 'Sabbath' of the land from disobedience.

The Lord had His Sabbaths


It was important to re-establish the Shabbat on the return of the exile     :          

            Neh 10 v 28-31;

            Neh 13v16-22


The fourth commandment is the keeping of God's special day. The seventh day is the day of rest.   It was a special sign, like circumcision separating God's people.


It was a time to remember and rejoice in their freedom.


For generations it has played its part as a core part of Jewish worship, community and identity.


The keeping of  Shabbatt was key in both the exile and restoration of the Jews.


            LEV 26



3.    Sabbaths


Sabbath Day  One day in seven to rest and worship


Sabbath Year (every seventh year)


Sabbath of Sabbaths (every 50th year)


The 'Sabbath'of the land from disobedience:               2CHR 36 v 1 - 21



4.    A time for Worship


Psalm 92 (see intro)


Sabbath day was for famiiles and communities to rest and draw near to God and His word.


Isa 56 v 1-8


Isa 58 v 1 - 14  Sabbath in restoration/revival


Isa 66 v 8 - 24  Keeping of Sabbath will be part of the restored kingdom


Eze 46 v 1 - 3


5.    Jesus and the Sabbath

By the time of Jesus (as today) the spirit of the Shabbat had been marred by all the legalistic practices and traditions that had added to its meaning, and took away its true liberty.


In fact there is very little said in Scripture (The Torah) about how Shabbat should be kept, but only establishing the principle of complete rest on that day, and it importance in reverence for the Lord and the freedom that he has given them.

This is part of the problem with religion and works:

            ROM 9 v 30-33

            MARK 7v9


This is also reflected in Isaiah:

            ISA 1 v 13 - 20.


So religious outward observance, without the love for Him is not keeping the Sabbath nor the Law. 

It is the letter without the Spirit!


Healing on the Sabbath:


Mark 2 v 18 - 28; Ch 3 v 1-1 (story repeated in Matt )


Luke 13 v 10 - 17 :              The woman with a spirit of infirmity


John 5 v 5-24 :                    Healing of the lame man and the following discourse

            John 7 v 22-23                     If you circumcise on the Sabbath so should you heal !

It is worthwhile remembering that the Gentile Church has over generations come up with its own religious practices by tradition and not from the Word of God.  So we cannot point a finger at Judaism with regard to legalism and tradition without considering our own position.




6.    Sabbath and the early Church


There is  evidence that the early (Jewish) church kept Shabbat well into the 4th Century.


Many remained as devout Jews (some may have been Essenes).


Disciples used the Shabbat to teach in the synagogues.


In fact the essential issue of the day was what to do with the Gentile believers and the whole issue of circumcision!


            Acts 15 v 1 - 29


This has similarities to B’nai Noach which in Jewish law accepts non-Jews as believers.


Increasing Gentile influence in the Church and rising anti-Semitism eventually caused the movement to Sunday, as well as the replacement of the other Jewish feasts, with dates often having pagan associations, such as Christmas.


For example the Council of Nicea (325AD) quotes:

"The Old Law is surpassed by the Gospel; the synagogue is no longer a sacred place .... circumcision is replaced by baptism ... Jewish Easter of 14 Nisan is realised in the Easter of Resurrection... the old Israel is now the Church and the source of salvation are the sacraments."

The tables had seem to be turned !.


7.    Sabbath in the Millenium


Isa 66 v 8 - 24  Keeping of Sabbath will be part of the restored kingdom.


Note that this will be for all nations.  SO here we do see that it is a rule both for Jews and Gentiles.


Eze 46 v 1 - 3 The temple open for the Prince to offer thanksgiving and for worship


But note that at  the end of time there is no need for a temple (and presumably Sabbath) as the work is truly complete and we abide continually in the presence of God.


We also saw that The Lord has keeping of the Shabbat in the millennial kingdom, and this will be for all nations!


So it is on His heart!



8.    The Sabbath and Us

Keeping of Shabbatt did not form part of the requirements for Gentiles as laid out in the first council in Jerusalem.

Acts 15 v 28-29

28 It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements:

29 You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell.

Col 2v 6-CH3 v 4            Paul’s warning to those being pressurised to be circumcised

                                    (remember that we have since created our own special days, events and icons !)


There are many discussions and controversies over Shabbat and Sundays, but in either way the importance is the principle of what Sabbath tells us.


What is important is that we honour the Lord in all that we do, and trust (rest) in Him, and do all to the Glory of God


Do not despise others who want to keep Shabbat. We should keep to the principles laid out in Romans 14 - ch 15v6


Jewish Believers


We should join in and support Messianic believers who hold good a tradition and in the words of Jesus .... as often as you do it do it unto me.


We should not expect Messianic believers to become Gentiles, any more than they are to expect Gentiles to become Jewish.  This was the essence of the early Church.


What is good, particularly at this time in history is to really support them in love, and that may mean acknowledging and even participating in Shabbat and the biblical festivals.


Friday/Saturday or Sunday


Sunday has become the traditional day of rest or 'the Lord's day' in the Gentile Church.  This not the same as Shabbat, but has the same principle.


The move to Sunday did start when many believers met together on this day (may be because Shabbat was still celebrated). It became official as part of the distancing of the church from its Jewish connections, especially after Bar Kochba revolt (AD135), and the Byzantine period. In some respects it has been the result of anti-Semitism.  After a while it actually became illegal for any Christian to celebrate Jewish feasts !


But the Law is In us:


Jeremiah 31 v 31 - 34


31 "Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—

32  "not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the LORD.

33  "But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

34  "No more shall every man teach his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."


As those grafted in we should have the Shabbatt rest in our lives.

The Yoke of Jesus


The Lord wants freedom for His people


LEV 26 v 13

            ISA 58 v 6


Matt 11 v 27-30


Jesus has taken away the burden and condemnation that comes from the law, but as we take up His yoke


Gal 5 v1


This also means not taking the other yokes, such as ‘Performance Orientated Faith’. The enemy and our flesh can be very subtle and we can claim to not be under Law, but yet we are not truly under Grace either!

9.    Enter into God's Rest

We may not be required to keep the rite of Sabbath, but as new creations under a New Covenant we keep the law from the inside out (Jer


Our 'Shabbat' includes:

            Sanctifying the Lord in our hearts

            Entering into His rest, ceasing from our own works

            Worship and delighting in Him (making melody in your heart (EPH 5 v 18-20)

            Thanksgiving for the Freedom we have in Christ

            Meditating in His Word


            Acknowledging every good thing we have in Christ (Philemon)


HEB 4 v 1 – 11              Enter into His rest

JOHN 15 v 1 - 12           Abiding in Him


Enter into your rest and trust in the Lord can be a battle,(endeavour/be diligent to enter .....)

Shabbat requires the 'sacrifice of rest' and learning to trust completely in Jesus .. even (and especially) for our righteousness


PHIL 3 v 8/9:

...... that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, that which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith;


PSA91 v 1-4

            Resting and trusting in the Lord





10.           At the feet of Jesus


Sabbath (Shabbat) is important to the Lord.

For the Jew it is a key part of sanctifying the Lord, and giving Him the time due to Him.


It also requires:

            Trust in His provision

            Be sacrificial as a devotion to Him



For us remember:

            1. Sanctify the Lord in your hearts

                        God is Holy, but we also need to make Him holy in our lives.

            2. The importance of finding time to rest in Him and to worship Him. To sit at His feet.

                        (remember Martha and Mary).



Luke19v 38-42  ...... Sitting at the feet of Jesus


ISA 40 v 28-31  Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength



PSA 27 v 4-6

PSA 62 v 5-8


If we take the Shabbat principle then a seventh of our time should be taken up with being 'at His feet'  ...though we are not under Law.


We must worship in Spirit and in Truth so what is really important here is the Spirit of Shabbat that gives life.


Should we keep the Sabbath?    Yes





Rev 21/22:   This is our place of rest when all things are completed !